Schools & Organization Bookings

DramaWay is a TDSB-approved Educational Programming Partner. DramaWay delivers process-oriented arts programs, while also offering custom-designed programs to fit your unique needs.

We strive to ensure that every participant receives the personal attention essential to their success and personal growth.

“Excellent choice of programming material for our clients and adapted nicely. Very enthusiastic and motivating—our clients really enjoyed themselves! DramaWay Facilitators are excellent at ignoring any negative behaviours and keeping the group and all individuals engaged and involved!”

– Freda Goh & Erin Wilkie, Bloorview Kids Rehab

Program Length

Programs can be delivered in a custom length and schedule of your choosing, or select from the following options: seasonal programs, intensives, year-long programs, workshops, or workshop series.

Program Customization

Can’t choose what kind of arts programming? No problem! Have a few weekends throughout the year where you’d like to supplement your usual programming? Have some unique goals or curriculum requirements that you’d like DramaWay to help support? We will work with you to develop and create the perfect programming to suit your unique needs, goals, or curriculum requirements.

Contact Us

Contact us to arrange your Program Consultation. We look forward to embarking upon a rewarding creative journey together.

“This program gave at-risk credit deficient students in our school the opportunity to work in an integrated setting and allowed them to take a leadership role. The connection and friendships that developed over the 8 weeks will surely last well beyond the program itself. It was an absolute pleasure working with Danielle and I know the students will miss her weekly visits. Her positive energy and encouragement as a facilitator enabled staff and students to step out of their comfort zone and to have fun singing, dancing and acting!”

— Tracy Intini, Planning for Independent Teacher, Iona Catholic Secondary School

“Drama with DramaWay facilitators is always the highlight of my week and I feel the participants here at Addus would agree. Danielle and her staff bring a wonderful energy to the program that is uplifting yet personal. Their openness and energy fostered such a creative and trusting environment that our participants felt secure in taking risks.”

— Tavis Stoby, Addus